
Workshop: “How to Create and Manage a Multi-Asset Investment Portfolio”


This workshop is suitable for investors that wish to sharpen or acquire the skill of creating and managing a multi-asset investment portfolio. The methodology that is covered is general, quantitative and systematic. The portfolio created during the workshop contains multiple asset classes, namely equities, fixed-income, real estate, commodities and hedge funds.

After the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Determine a relevant and modern investment universe, consisting of multiple asset classes and different types of financial instruments (ETFs, futures, index funds, options, etc.).
  • Through optimization generate the portfolio that best fulfills your established objective and constraints.
  • Rebalance the portfolio – know how, when and why.
  • Protect unrealized profits without losing continued upside potential – to participate in a ‘bubble’ on the way up and avoid giving back profits when the bubble bursts. You will learn how the ‘Profit Protection Overlay’ functions.
  • In the short perspective know when and how to adjust the portfolio basis price action in the markets.
  • Generate impressive risk-adjusted return.
  • … and more.

When and Where?

  • Days: Wednesday, June 8, 2016 or Thursday, August 25, 2016. The workshop takes place during one day.
  • Time: CET 09:00 – 15:00 (circa), registration and coffee from CET 08:30.
  • Place: Grand Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden. Click here for a map.
  • Last day to register: May 18, 2016 and August 4, 2016, respectively.
  • The number of participants is set to a maximum of 10. Register today to secure your spot.

Price (VAT excluded) 

  • SEK 4,900.
  • Included in the price: lunch, refreshments during breaks and after, a handbook covering the methodology, two hours of consultation for your own implementation, interesting articles, and other bits and pieces.
  • Discount: 30% discount from participant number two from the same company.

Workshop LeaderUlfBjorkman

Ulf Björkman leads the workshop. Ulf has extensive experience from different roles in investment management, e.g. as CIO and Portfolio Manager at a fund company, that at the time was specialized in multi-asset investing. Click here for LinkedIn-profile.


Send questions by e-mail or contact by phone +46 (0)70 550 54 54.


Fill in the form below to register for the workshop. A confirmation will be sent to your e-mail.

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