Trend Status Update
After the recent rout among multiple asset classes we provide a snap-shot of the current trend status.
- The Bear Phase concentration is significantly high. The current reading is 80%. Only Fixed Income US and EU Govt are in Strength or Bull Phases. For details check the Trend Phase Report.
- In terms of overbought/oversold situations, the most oversold asset classes are CO Energy, EQ US Mid Cap Value and EQ EM Latin America. No asset class is currently in overbought territory. View the current situation in the Overbought/Oversold Report.
- Checking the Indicator Dashboard, the picture is apparent of highly short-term trending asset classes. In general, the trend indicator have high readings – many cases above 2.0. What is also noteworthy is the negative long-term momentum for all asset classes.
Contact Ulf Björkman for a view of the implications.