Show-Case Forecasting Skills – Participate in the Year-End Cap Contest
Here is a chance of show-casing your forecasting skills while at the same time having a chance of winning an exclusive Financial Factory Cap. See picture.
Your mission is to forecast the year-end index level of the S&P 500 Index (ticker: SPX). ‘Year-end’ equals December 31, 2015. The official index level is published here. The contest will close on November 11, 2015. If you send more than one forecast, the last one sent enters the contest.
As a starting point, click here for the current level of the index.
The person that has provided the forecast nearest to the year-end official index level is the winner of two caps, the runner-up receives one cap. The winners will be announced in the beginning of January, 2016.
To participate, merely provide your forecast and contact details below.