Sustainable Investment

Member of Swesif – Swedish Forum for Sustainable Investment

swesif_logo_140217Financial Factory has been accepted as a member of Swesif, the Swedish forum for sustainable investment.

Swesif brings together the forces working for and with sustainable investment in Sweden. Swesif has ambitious long-term goals:

  • To increase knowledge about sustainable investment.
  • Be a network and a meeting point for the exchange of knowledge and experience.
  • Contribute to relevant statistics on sustainable investment in Sweden.
  • Be a channel to the legislative work within the EU through the membership in Eurosif.
  • Actively participate in public debate.

By being a member of Swesif we contribute to awareness and integration of ESG-topics (Environmental, Social, Governance) among investors and investment managers.

For more information about our work in the ESG-area contact Ulf Björkman.


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